
Pivotal Propane Programs

No matter what your propane needs are, give us a call at (740) 699-1247!

Automatic Fill: Customers choosing to go on Autofill will save you $0.20 per gallon on 320-gallon or 500-gallon tanks, under qualifying conditions.

Budget Pay: To accommodate our customers, we offer a budget program. Our budget program is a free service that we offer all our customers that have been with us for at least one full heating season. The Monthly Budget amount is based on your actual propane usage last year. The cost of the annual fuel usage is spread over 11 months. The first budget payment begins June 1st and continues through April 1st. Any account that has overpaid will be notified after April 30th of a credit balance. Payment of any balance owed is due by May 30th to be eligible for the next budget season.

Contact us today to be placed on Auto Fill or sign up for the Budget Program.